Mass Times

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Sunday 16th February
6th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saturday 5pm — Vigil Mass
9am & 11am — Mass

Monday 17th February

No Mass or Service of the Word

Tuesday 18th February

12 noon — Requiem Mass for Nora Elizabeth Brett

Wednesday 19th February

9am — Service of the Word with Communion
7pm — Rosary Devotions

Thursday 20th February

9.30am — Service of the Word with Communion

Friday 21st February

9am — Service of the Word with Communion

Saturday 22nd February
The Chair of St Peter

11am — Mass
followed by Exposition & Confessions until noon

5pm —  Vigil Mass for Sunday

Sunday 23rd February
7th Sunday in Ordinary Time

9am & 11am — Mass


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Weekly Newsletter

16th February 2025
6th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Pastoral Letter

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Advent 2021

Find Us


St Joseph’s Catholic Church
23 Gorton Road, Reddish
Stockport, SK5 6AZ


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The first Mass was celebrated at St Joseph’s on Christmas Eve, 1882. Since that time, the regular celebration of the Mass and the Sacraments has been at the heart of our parish community. This continues to be the case today.

At the present time, however, much has changed in parish life and the world. Yet the life of prayer goes on and continues to hold our parish together.

To keep up with developments in parish life we very much encourage you to visit the website regularly and also read the newsletter which you can download.


Thank you for your visit!


Fr Philip Caldwell